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Controller of Examination

Controller of Examinations(i/c)
Dr. K. Sambath Rani M.R.Sc., M.Phil., M.Ed., (MR+VI), Ph.D., NET

Dr.(Mrs).K.Sambath Rani, is the Professor & Head, Dept of Special Education, School of Education, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women (Deemed University), Coimbatore- 641043, Tamil Nadu. With 30 years of service in the field of Special Education, she has established interest in Research with Major Projects sponsored by UGC, DST and ICSSR. With UGC NET in Education, she has also specialized in both Visual Impairment and Intellectual Disability. Her commitment to the welfare of Person with Disabilities is reflected in her meticulous conduct of Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI-New Delhi) Sponsored Continuing Rehabilitation Education (CRE) Programmes and In-service training programmes organized to the Special Educators, Inclusive Teachers, Village Health Nurses, Urban Head Nurses and other Stake Holders. Authored five Books and written Course Materials in Special Education for Tamil Nadu Open University and Bhoj University (M.P). She is the Coordinator of the MOOC, Swayam Course on Human Growth and Development and has authored 15 educational E-Content Material. With Research Publications in SCOPUS, WOS, UGC- CARE and in Peer Reviewed Journals, her expertise is also shared in National and International Seminars and Conferences organized across the State and has also served as External Evaluation Empanelment Member for RCI Recognized Institutions.




M.A., M.Phil., PG Dip in PM., B.Ed
Asst. Controller of Examinations (Education & Engineering)
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