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Department of Commerce (Self Finance)

The commerce education and curriculum is at its zenith since its inception by meeting the requirements of diversified fields of education, research and industry. Commerce opens a lot of opportunities to students in the field of Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship Development, Commercial, Business Law and also pursue course in Chartered Accountancy, Cost Accountancy and Company Secretaryship. In order to attain economic growth of a country, there is a need for Professionals, Economists and Accountants with advanced practical knowledge to enable to evaluate and analyze the complexities of the large scale business and other financial institutions. Here the commercial experts who have trained in different aspects of business environment have to play a very important role. The relevance of commerce education has become more imperative and has been marked change in the way commerce and management education is perceived in India. Keeping in view the above facts and demand of the time and prospects of Commerce Education, the Department of Commerce has been foresightedly designing and offering various programmes to meet the growing needs of the business society. The department has on roll 32 faculty members with 17 having doctoral degree and the rest pursuing their doctoral research. Special doctoral programme is offered to Women Chartered Accountants across the nation and also signed MoU with ICAI, India. The Commerce Department strives to ensure effective understanding and development of various skills through innovative teaching methods, interactive and participative learning and ensuring high quality of research. The students have been gainfully employed in various capacities in Companies, Banks, Insurance, Financial and Academic Institutions and Government Departments. Several Research Projects have been carried out with the financial assistance from various funding agencies like UGC, ICSSR etc.

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