- Child Laboratory Nursery school for students participation and learning through instruction, internship and research
- Planned indoor and outdoor infrastructure for child laboratory nursery school with appropriate teacher child ratio
- Child Assessment and Parents Guidance Centre in laboratory nursery school
- Special care and attention for children with developmental and adjustment problems
- Assessment facilities
Assessment facilities
- Tools for assessing various areas of developments like physical, cognitive, language, emotional, social, personality, creativity and adjustments.
- Referral services for developmental delay/problems
Library facilities with books, journals, thesis copies
- Department library
- Laboratory nursery school library
- ICT enabled classrooms
Facilities for Learning
- Research, intervention, training, workshop
- Community outreach and education programs- for infants, preschoolers, adolescents and youth through NSS, NCC and CSS
- Administrating and planning resource facilitation, learning activities, mentoring programs, crafts, games, functions, celebrations and special events