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Department of Biochemistry, Biotechnology & Bioinformatics

Biochemistry is a prime branch of biological sciences that has played a very important role in unravelling many of the life processes. Biotechnology has put this understanding into technological use, resulting in the development of successful industrial processes. Bioinformatics is the application of information technology to the management of the biological data, thus giving an altogether new dimension to the understanding of Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Knowing the importance of these subjects, the department has been built up with very strong roots and has grown into a full-fledged banyan, bringing Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and all other allied fields under its banner. The department is very well equipped with several laboratories and instrument rooms, all of which house many state-of-the-art scientific equipment. The department also has specialized research laboratories for Animal Tissue Culture, Plant Tissue Culture, Enzymology & Immunology and a Centralized Advanced Research Laboratory.

  • To impart a thorough holistic knowledge by integrating the concepts of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics and emphasizing on the recent developments.
  • To strengthen the practical knowledge of students through internships and visits to reputed research institutions, universities, industries, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals.
  • To develop leadership qualities in students by motivating them to participate in workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences and competitions. 
  • To encourage students to carry out high quality research catering to societal needs and publish in reputed journals.
  •  To collaborate with world class prime Institutes and broaden research activities in the department. 
  • To equip students to take up important positions in leading universities, research institutes and industries globally. 
  • To build confidence in students to take up entrepreneurial ventures.
Thrust Areas of Research
  1. Medicinal Plant Research and Clinical Studies
  2. Enzyme Technology and Environmental Studies
  3. Data Science and Computational Biology


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