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Biomedical Instrumentation Engineering

The department of Biomedical Instrumentation Engineering was established in 1996. Health Care is a very important part of todays’ society and requires more sophisticated instruments and technologies that assist doctors to diagnose, perform surgeries and take care of patients’ post-surgery complications. Physically challenged persons are using many assistive gadgets to lead a normal life. Biomedical Instrumentation Engineers are most wanted in the hospital and the society. The department has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with leading industries and multi-specialty hospitals. The department has an established AVIN-NI LabVIEW academy and is authorized by M/s. National Instruments (NI) to provide training for students, faculty and industry personnel of the region, and also to cater to the needs of research and academics. The academy imparts global competency to students going abroad for higher education.

Thrust Areas of Research

  • Deep Learning in Signal and Image Processing
  • Assistive Technology
  • Smart Medical Textile
  • Diagnostic Devices with Embedded and IoT Sensors
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