Eligibility criteria for Admission
- Undergraduate Programmes (Aided)
S.No Programmes Name Eligibility criteria Fees (previous year 2024-25)/Semester B.A. 1. B.A Economics Plus two (+2) Any group 11045 2. B.A English Plus two (+2) Any group 14595 3. B.A Functional Hindi Plus two (+2) any group with Hindi as Language / Visharad Examination of DBHP 10545 4. B.A Music Plus two (+2) Any group 10645 5. B.A Tamil Plus two (+2) Any group with Tamil as language 10545 B.Sc. 6 B.Sc Botany Plus two (+2) Science group with Biology / Botany
& Zoology / Agriculture (Vocational Course) / Home Sciene with Biology20845 7 B.Sc Biochemistry and Biotechnology Plus two (+2) Science group 28095 8 B.Sc Chemistry Plus two (+2) with Chemistry as one of the subjects 17270 9 B.Sc Computer Science Plus two (+2) Any group with Mathematics / Business Mathematics / Computer Science / Informatics Practices / Multimedia and Web Technology / Computer Applications 30420 10 B.Sc Food Service Management and Dietetics Plus two (+2) Any group 23945 11 B.Sc Food Science and Nutrition Plus two (+2) Science group 23945 12 B.Sc Human Development Plus two (+2) Any group 18145 13 B.Sc Interior Design and Resource Management Plus two (+2) Any group 18945 14 B.Sc Mathematics Plus two (+2) Science group with Mathematics 15045 15 B.Sc Physical Education Plus two (+2) any group & students interested to Excel in Sports. 17545 16 B.Sc Physics Plus two (+2) Science group with Mathematics 15745 17 B.Sc Rural Development and Sociology Plus two (+2) Any group 18395 18 B.Sc Special Education and Mathematics Plus two (+2) Science group with Mathematics 18245 19 B.Sc Textiles and Apparel Designing Plus two (+2) Any group 23295 20 B.Sc Visual Communication Plus two (+2) any group except Vocational group 25020 B.Com 21 B.Com Plus two (+2) Commerce & Accountancy with Economics / Business Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science 23370 22 B.Com Professional Accounting Plus two (+2) Commerce & Accountancy with Economics / Business Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science 26535 B.B.A 23 BBA Tourism Plus two (+2) 20695 B.Voc. 24 B.Voc Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Plus two (+2) Any group 20455 25 B.Voc Food Processing & Engineering Plus two (+2) Any group 21455 26 B.Voc Medical Equipment Technology Plus two (+2) Any group 21455 27 B.Voc Textile Dyeing and Printing Plus two (+2) Any group 21045 - Undergraduate Programmes (Self- Financed)
S.No Programme Name
(* Programmes offered in CAMPUS II)
Eligibility Criteria Fees (previous year 2024-25)/ Semester B.Sc 1 B.Sc. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Any group with Mathematics / Computer Science / Computer Applications / Informatics Practices / Multimedia and Web Technology / eligible Vocational group 53010 2 B.Sc Biochemistry and Biotechnology * Plus two (+2) Science group 28000 3 B.Sc. Computer Science * Plus two (+2) Any group with Mathematics / Business Mathematics / Computer Science / Informatics Practices / Multimedia and Web Technology / Computer Applications 28000 4 B.Sc. Information Technology Plus Two (+2) Any group with Mathematics / Business Mathematics / Computer Science / Informatics Practices / Multimedia and Web Technology / Computer Application 35605 5 B.Sc. Mathematics * Plus two (+2) Science group with Mathematics 20000 6 B.Sc. Psychology * Plus two (+2) Any group 25000 BCA 7 B.C.A.* Plus two (+2) Any group with Mathematics / Business Mathematics / Computer Science / Informatics Practices / Multimedia and Web Technology / Computer Applications 28000 B.A 8 B. A. English * Plus two (+2) Any group 20000 B.Com 9 B.Com * Plus two (+2) Commerce & Accountancy with Economics / Business Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science 26000 10 B.Com.Computer Applications* Plus two (+2) Commerce & Accountancy with Economics / Business Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science 28000 11 B.Com.Corporate Secretaryship * Plus two (+2) Commerce & Accountancy with Economics / Business Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science 26000 12 B.Com. with Minor Specialisation * Business Analytics Commerce, Accountancy, Economics and Business Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Applications / Business Studies / Mathematics / Informatics Practices / Entrepreneurship / Legal Studies / Any group with Mathematics 26000 Information Technology Accounting and Finance Financial System and Technologies Entrepreneurship and Business Management Any group in Higher Secondary Examination / equivalent examination with 55 % of marks E-commerce Commerce, Accountancy, Economics and Business Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Applications/ Business Studies/ Mathematics/ Informatics Practices/ Entrepreneurship/ Legal Studies/ Marketing and Human Resource Management/ History 13 B.Com.- Professional Accounting * Plus two (+2) Commerce & Accountancy with Economics / Business Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science 26000 BBA 14 BBA Plus two (+2) Any group 22000 - Postgraduate Programmes (Aided)
S.No Programme Name Eligibility Criteria Fees (previous year 2024-25)/Semester M.A. 1 M.A Economics B.A. Economics 12775 2 M.A English B.A. English 15825 3 M.A Hindi & Journalism A degree with part I Hindi / a degree with Praveen examination of DBHP/ equivalent 12775 4 M.A Music B.A Music or two years Diploma in a recognised Institution with any UG degree 12875 5 M.A Tamil B.A. Tamil 12775 6 MBA Any UG degree with minimum 50% marks MAT /CMAT / CAT / XAT / TANCET / ATMA /Institute’s Entrance Test for MBA IT Group Discussion & Interview 36325 7 M.C.A. (Master of Computer Applications) Passed BCA / B.Sc. (Computer Science) / B.Sc. (IT) / B.E. (CSE) / B.Tech. (CSE) / B.E. (IT) / B.Tech. (IT) or equivalent Degree. or Passed any graduation degree (e.g.: B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Sc. / B.Com. / B.A. / B.Voc. etc.) preferably with Mathematics at 10+2 level or at Graduation level B.Voc. etc.) preferably with Mathematics at 10+2 31215 8 M.S.W. (Master of Social Work) Any degree 20675 M.Sc. 9 M.Sc Biochemistry Degree in Biochemistry 32300 10 M.Sc Bioinformatics Degree in Science discipline / Information Technology & allied subjects 22935 11 M.Sc Biotextiles B.Sc. Home Science/Any degree related to Textiles, Costume Design and Fashion & any Science degree
/ B.Voc Textile Dyeing and Printing / Fashion Designing and related degree21600 12 M.Sc Botany B.Sc. Major in Botany / Botany and Zoology / Plant Science and Plant Biotechnology 24750 13 M.Sc Chemistry B.Sc. Chemistry (or) B.Sc. Chemistry and Physics - Double Major 21800 14 M.Sc Computer Science B.Sc. Computer Science / Applied Sciences / Computer Technology / Computer Applications / Information Technology / B.Voc. (Computer related subjects) 31215 15 M.Sc Extension and Communication Any degree 20125 16 M.Sc Food Service Management and Dietetics B.Sc. Home Science / programmes related to Nutrition and Dietetics /Food Service Management andDietetics / Hotel Human Food Processing and Technology Nutrition and Nutraceutical Management /Engineering / B.A. Hons. / B.Sc. Home Science 28100 17 M.Sc Food Science and Nutrition B.Sc. Home Science / Food Science & Nutrition / Foods & Nutrition / Human Nutrition & Nutraceuticals / Public Health Nutrition / Food Science and Technology / Food Processing & Quality Control / BA / B.Sc., Hons. Home Science / Community Science / Nutrition 28100 18 M.Sc Human Development Any degree 20100 19 M.Sc Interior Design and Resource Management Any degree 20725 20 M.Sc Mathematics B.Sc. Mathematics / B.Sc. Special Education and Mathematics / B.Sc. Applied Mathematics 19575 21 M.Sc Textiles and Fashion Apparel B.Sc. Home Science/Any degree related to Textiles / Costume Design and Fashion / B.Voc. Textile Dyeing and Printing / Fashion Designing and related degree 24900 22 M.Sc Zoology B.Sc. in Zoology / Zoology and Botany / Animal Science and Biotechnology / Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology 24375 - Postgraduate Programmes (Self-Financed)
S.No Programme Name
(* Programme offered in CAMPUS II)
Eligibility Criteria Fees (Previous year 2024-25)/Semester 1 Master of Commerce Any B.Com / B.B.M / B.B.A 28825 2 M.Sc. Biotechnology Degree in Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Chemistry / Zoology / Botany / Microbiology
/ Allied Health Sciences33425 3 M.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Physics/ Physics & Chemistry as major with Mathematics as ancillary 22605 4 M.Sc. Applied Psychology B.Sc. Psychology 28555 5 M.A. French PG Diploma in French / BA in French / DELF A2 (with any degree) / 4 semesters of Part 1 language - French (with any degree) 18325 6 MBA - Tourism Management Any degree 31250 7 MBA - Information Technology Any UG degree with minimum 50% marks MAT / CMAT / CAT / XAT / TANCET /
ATMA / Institute’s Entrance Test for MBA IT Group Discussion & Interview49490 8 M.Com Computer Applications Any B.Com. / B.B.M. / B.B.A. 29935 9 M.Sc Information Technology B.Sc. IT / Computer Science / Computer Technology / Software Systems / Software Sciences / Software Development / BCA / Any Computer Related Courses 31465 10 Master of Computer Applications - MCA * Passed BCA / B.Sc. (Computer Science) / B.Sc. (IT) / B.E. (CSE) / B.Tech. (CSE) /
B.E. (IT) / B.Tech. (IT) or equivalent Degree. or Passed any graduation degree (e.g.: B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Sc. / B.Com. / B.A. / B.Voc. etc.) preferably with Mathematics at 10+2 level or at Graduation level.30000 11 M.B.A. Any UG degree with minimum 50% marks MAT / CMAT / CAT / XAT / TANCET /
ATMA / Institute’s Entrance Test for MBA IT Group Discussion & Interview36325 12 M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence B.Sc. Computer Science / Information Technology / Computer Technology /Applied Sciences / BCA / B.Voc. Artificial Intelligence / B.Sc. Artificial Intelligence / B.Sc. Data Science 40040 - Allied Healthcare and Sciences (Self- Financed)
S.No Programme Name Eligibility Criteria Fees (previous year 2024-25)
/Semester1 BASLP Bachelor in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology Candidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and any one of Biology / Mathematics / Computer Science / Statistics / Electronics / Psychology 83595 2 B.PT Bachelor of Physiotherapy Candidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Botany and Zoology. 58595 3 B.Opto Bachelor of Optometry Candidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / Computer Science / Biology 58595 4 B.Sc. Physician Assistant Candidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Biology / Botany and Zoology. 51095 5 M.Sc Clinicial Embryology Candidates must hold Bachelor of Science Degree (BSc) from any recognized University with Life Science subjects
• MBBS / BDS / BVSC / B.Pharm. / B.Sc. Nursing / BHMS B.Sc. Physician Assistant
• B.Sc. Biotechnology / B.Sc. Biochemistry / B.Sc. Biochemistry & Biotechnology / B.Sc. Zoology / B.Sc.
Microbiology and Life Science related courses213000 6 M.Sc Clinical Psychology Candidates must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in any Psychology course from a recognized University 80550 - Education Programmes
S.No Programme Name Eligibility Criteria Fees (Previous year 2024-25)
/Semester1 B.Ed. 3 year Bachelor’s Degree / Master’s Degree in the relevant subject with 55% of marks. For Economics alone, Master’s Degree is essential 22550 2 B.Ed. Spl Ed (VI) 3 year Bachelor’s Degree / Master’s Degree in Mathematics / Physics / Chemistry / Botany / Zoology / Home Science / English
/ History3 B.Ed. Spl Ed (HI) 4 B.P.Ed Any Degree / B.Sc. Physical Education 13450 5 M.Ed. A pass in B.Ed/B.A.B.Ed/B.Sc. B.Ed/ B.EL.E 22965 6 M.Ed. Spl Ed (VI) B.Ed. Special Education (VI) 7 M.Ed. Spl Ed (HI) B.Ed. Special Education (HI) - Engineering Programmes
B.E. Programmes S.No Name of the Programme Eligibility as per Institute norms 1 Computer Science and Engineering Mathematics, Physics & any one from Chemistry / Computer Science / Biology / Electronics/ Information Technology/ Biotechnology with a pass
at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 70%.2 CSE (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) Mathematics, Physics & any one from Chemistry / Computer Science / Biology / Electronics/ Information Technology/ Biotechnology with a pass
at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 65%.3 CSE (IoT and Cyber Security including Block chain Technology) Mathematics, Physics & any one from Chemistry / Computer Science / Biology / Electronics/ Information Technology/ Biotechnology with a pass
at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 65%.4 Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Mathematics, Physics & any one from Chemistry / Computer Science / Biology / Electronics/ Information Technology/ Biotechnology with a pass
at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 75%.5 Electronics and Communication Engineering Mathematics, Physics & any one from Chemistry / Computer Science / Biology / Electronics/ Information Technology/ Biotechnology with a pass
at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 60%.6 Biomedical Instrumentation Engineering Physics, Chemistry & any one from Mathematics/ Biology/ Computer Science / Biotechnology /
Electronics with a pass at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 50%.7 Food Technology Chemistry & any two from Mathematics/ Physics
/Biology/ Computer Science / Biotechnology/ Electronics with a pass at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 50%.8 Civil Engineering with Computer Application Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry with a pass at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 45%. 9 Printing Technology Physics, Chemistry & any one from Mathematics/ Biology/ Computer Science /Biotechnology / Electronics with a pass at 10 + 2 level and an
aggregate marks of at least 45%.M.E. Programmes S.No Name of the Programme Eligibility as per Institute norms 1 Artificial Intelligence and Data Science B.E. / B.Tech. in any branch of Engineering with a pass and an aggregate marks of at least 50%. 2 Medical Electronics B.E. / B.Tech. in any circuit branch of Engineering with a pass and an aggregate marks of at least 50%. 3 Embedded Systems and VLSI B.E. / B.Tech.in any circuit branch of Engineering with a pass and an aggregate marks of at least 50%. 4 Food Technology B.E/B.Tech. in Food Processing and Preservation Technology/Food Technology/Chemical Technology/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics
/Biochemical/Environmental Engineering/Agricultural Engineering / Agricultural Process Engineering with a pass and an aggregate marks of at least 50%.
M.Sc. in Food Sc. / Dairy Science / Food Technology / Biotechnology / Food Processing Technology / Food Science & Technology / Dairy Technology/ Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Bio Chemistry Botany/Zoology with a pass and an aggregate marks of at least 50%.- Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
S.No. Name of the programme Eligibility Criteria Fees (Previous year 2024-25)
/Semester1 PG.Diploma Nutrition & Dietetics B.Sc. Home Science / programmes related to Nutrition and Dietetics /Food Service Management andDietetics / Hotel Human Food Processing and Technology Nutrition and Nutraceutical Management / Engineering / B.A. Hons. / B.Sc. Home Science 23325 2 PG.Diploma Apparel Designing B.Sc. Home Science/Any degree related to Textiles / Costume Design and Fashion
/ B.Voc. Textile Dyeing and23325 3 PG.Diploma Public Health Nutrition B.Sc. Home Science / Food Science & Nutrition / Foods & Nutrition / Human Nutrition & Nutraceuticals / Public Health Nutrition / Food Science and Technology / Food Processing & Quality Control / BA / B.Sc., Hons. Home Science / Community
Science / Nutrition / B.Sc.23275 4 PG.Diploma French Any undergraduate degree
with prior (basic) knowledge of French23850 5 PG.Diploma Artificial Intelligence Graduate in Engineering or B.Sc. in IT / Computer Science /Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation - Ph.D Programmes
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