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  • Engineering Admissions open for 2025
  • MBA Admissions Open for 2025
Eligibility criteria for Admission


Undergraduate Programmes (Aided)
S.NoProgrammes NameEligibility criteriaFees (previous year 2024-25)/Semester
1.B.A EconomicsPlus two (+2) Any group11045
2.B.A EnglishPlus two (+2) Any group14595
3.B.A Functional HindiPlus two (+2) any group with Hindi as Language / Visharad Examination of DBHP10545
4.B.A MusicPlus two (+2) Any group10645
5.B.A TamilPlus two (+2) Any group with Tamil as language10545
6B.Sc  BotanyPlus two (+2)  Science group with Biology / Botany
& Zoology / Agriculture (Vocational Course) / Home Sciene with Biology
7B.Sc Biochemistry and BiotechnologyPlus two (+2) Science group28095
8B.Sc ChemistryPlus two (+2) with Chemistry as one of the subjects17270
9B.Sc Computer SciencePlus two (+2) Any group with Mathematics / Business Mathematics / Computer Science / Informatics Practices / Multimedia and Web Technology / Computer Applications30420
10B.Sc Food Service Management and DieteticsPlus two (+2)  Any group23945
11B.Sc Food Science and NutritionPlus two (+2) Science group23945
12B.Sc Human DevelopmentPlus two (+2)  Any group18145
13B.Sc Interior Design and Resource ManagementPlus two (+2)  Any group18945
14B.Sc MathematicsPlus two (+2) Science group with Mathematics15045
15B.Sc Physical EducationPlus two (+2) any group   & students interested to Excel in Sports.17545
16B.Sc PhysicsPlus two (+2) Science group with Mathematics15745
17B.Sc Rural Development and SociologyPlus two (+2)  Any group18395
18B.Sc  Special Education and MathematicsPlus two (+2) Science group with Mathematics18245
19B.Sc Textiles and Apparel DesigningPlus two (+2)  Any group23295
20B.Sc Visual CommunicationPlus two (+2) any group except Vocational group25020
21B.ComPlus two (+2) Commerce & Accountancy with Economics / Business Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science23370
22B.Com Professional AccountingPlus two (+2) Commerce & Accountancy with Economics / Business Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science26535
23BBA  TourismPlus two (+2)20695
24B.Voc Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningPlus two (+2)  Any group20455
25B.Voc Food Processing & EngineeringPlus two (+2)  Any group21455
26B.Voc Medical Equipment TechnologyPlus two (+2)  Any group21455
27B.Voc Textile Dyeing and PrintingPlus two (+2)  Any group21045
Undergraduate Programmes (Self- Financed)

Programme Name

 ( Programmes offered in CAMPUS II)

Eligibility CriteriaFees (previous year 2024-25)/ Semester
1B.Sc. Augmented Reality and Virtual RealityAny group with Mathematics / Computer Science / Computer Applications / Informatics Practices / Multimedia and Web Technology / eligible Vocational group53010
2B.Sc Biochemistry and Biotechnology *Plus two (+2) Science group28000
3B.Sc. Computer Science *Plus two (+2) Any group with Mathematics / Business Mathematics / Computer Science / Informatics Practices / Multimedia and Web Technology / Computer Applications28000
4B.Sc. Information TechnologyPlus Two (+2) Any group with Mathematics / Business Mathematics / Computer Science / Informatics Practices / Multimedia and Web Technology / Computer Application35605
5B.Sc. Mathematics *Plus two (+2) Science group with Mathematics20000
6B.Sc. Psychology *Plus two (+2)  Any group25000
7B.C.A.*Plus two (+2) Any group with Mathematics / Business Mathematics / Computer Science / Informatics Practices / Multimedia and Web Technology / Computer Applications28000
8B. A. English *Plus two (+2) Any group20000
9B.Com *Plus two (+2) Commerce & Accountancy with Economics / Business Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science26000
10B.Com.Computer Applications*Plus two (+2) Commerce & Accountancy with Economics / Business Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science28000
11B.Com.Corporate Secretaryship *Plus two (+2) Commerce & Accountancy with Economics / Business Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science26000
12B.Com. with Minor Specialisation *  
Business AnalyticsCommerce, Accountancy, Economics and Business Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Applications / Business Studies / Mathematics / Informatics Practices / Entrepreneurship / Legal Studies / Any group with Mathematics26000
 Information Technology
 Accounting and Finance
 Financial System and Technologies
 Entrepreneurship and Business ManagementAny group in Higher Secondary Examination / equivalent examination with 55 % of marks
 E-commerceCommerce, Accountancy, Economics and Business Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Applications/ Business Studies/ Mathematics/ Informatics Practices/ Entrepreneurship/ Legal Studies/ Marketing and Human Resource Management/ History
13B.Com.- Professional Accounting *Plus two (+2) Commerce & Accountancy with Economics / Business Mathematics / Statistics / Mathematics / Computer Science26000
14BBAPlus two (+2) Any group22000
Postgraduate Programmes (Aided)
S.NoProgramme NameEligibility CriteriaFees (previous year 2024-25)/Semester
1M.A EconomicsB.A. Economics12775
2M.A EnglishB.A. English15825
3M.A Hindi & JournalismA degree with part I Hindi / a degree with Praveen examination of DBHP/ equivalent12775
4M.A MusicB.A Music or two years Diploma in a recognised Institution with any UG degree12875
5M.A TamilB.A. Tamil12775
6MBAAny UG degree with minimum 50% marks MAT /CMAT / CAT / XAT / TANCET / ATMA /Institute’s Entrance Test for MBA IT Group Discussion & Interview36325
7M.C.A. (Master of Computer Applications)Passed BCA / B.Sc. (Computer Science) / B.Sc. (IT) / B.E. (CSE) / B.Tech. (CSE) / B.E. (IT) / B.Tech. (IT) or equivalent Degree. or Passed any graduation degree (e.g.: B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Sc. / B.Com. / B.A. / B.Voc. etc.) preferably with Mathematics at 10+2 level or at Graduation level B.Voc. etc.) preferably with Mathematics at 10+231215
8M.S.W. (Master of Social Work)Any degree20675
9M.Sc BiochemistryDegree in Biochemistry 
10M.Sc BioinformaticsDegree in Science discipline / Information Technology & allied subjects22935
11M.Sc BiotextilesB.Sc. Home Science/Any degree related to Textiles, Costume Design and Fashion & any Science degree
/ B.Voc Textile Dyeing and Printing / Fashion Designing and related degree
12M.Sc BotanyB.Sc. Major in Botany / Botany and Zoology / Plant Science and Plant Biotechnology24750
13M.Sc ChemistryB.Sc. Chemistry (or) B.Sc. Chemistry and Physics - Double Major21800
14M.Sc Computer ScienceB.Sc. Computer Science / Applied Sciences / Computer Technology / Computer Applications / Information Technology / B.Voc. (Computer related subjects)31215
15M.Sc Extension and CommunicationAny degree20125
16M.Sc Food Service Management and DieteticsB.Sc. Home Science / programmes related to Nutrition and Dietetics /Food Service Management andDietetics / Hotel Human Food Processing and Technology Nutrition and Nutraceutical Management /Engineering / B.A. Hons. / B.Sc. Home Science28100
17M.Sc Food Science and NutritionB.Sc. Home Science / Food Science & Nutrition / Foods & Nutrition / Human Nutrition & Nutraceuticals / Public Health Nutrition / Food Science and Technology / Food Processing & Quality Control / BA / B.Sc., Hons. Home Science / Community Science / Nutrition28100
18M.Sc Human DevelopmentAny degree20100
19M.Sc Interior Design and Resource ManagementAny degree20725
20M.Sc MathematicsB.Sc. Mathematics / B.Sc. Special Education and Mathematics / B.Sc. Applied Mathematics19575
21M.Sc Textiles and Fashion ApparelB.Sc. Home Science/Any degree related to Textiles / Costume Design and Fashion / B.Voc. Textile Dyeing and Printing / Fashion Designing and related degree24900
22M.Sc ZoologyB.Sc. in Zoology / Zoology and Botany / Animal Science and Biotechnology / Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology24375
Postgraduate Programmes (Self-Financed)

Programme Name

( Programme offered in CAMPUS II)

Eligibility CriteriaFees (Previous year 2024-25)/Semester
1Master of CommerceAny B.Com / B.B.M / B.B.A28825
2M.Sc. BiotechnologyDegree in Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Chemistry / Zoology / Botany / Microbiology
/ Allied Health Sciences
3M.Sc. PhysicsB.Sc. Physics/ Physics & Chemistry as major with Mathematics as ancillary22605
4M.Sc. Applied PsychologyB.Sc. Psychology28555
5M.A. FrenchPG Diploma in French / BA in French / DELF A2 (with any degree) / 4 semesters of Part 1 language  - French (with any degree)18325
6MBA - Tourism ManagementAny degree31250
7MBA  - Information TechnologyAny UG degree with minimum 50% marks MAT / CMAT / CAT / XAT / TANCET /
ATMA / Institute’s Entrance Test for MBA IT Group Discussion & Interview
8M.Com Computer ApplicationsAny B.Com. / B.B.M. / B.B.A.29935
9M.Sc Information TechnologyB.Sc. IT / Computer Science / Computer Technology / Software Systems / Software Sciences / Software Development / BCA / Any Computer Related Courses31465
10Master of Computer Applications - MCA *Passed BCA / B.Sc. (Computer Science) / B.Sc. (IT) / B.E. (CSE) / B.Tech. (CSE) /
B.E. (IT) / B.Tech. (IT) or equivalent Degree. or Passed any graduation degree (e.g.: B.E. / B.Tech. / B.Sc. / B.Com. / B.A. / B.Voc. etc.) preferably with Mathematics at 10+2 level or at Graduation level.
11M.B.A.Any UG degree with minimum 50% marks MAT / CMAT / CAT / XAT / TANCET /
ATMA / Institute’s Entrance Test for MBA IT Group Discussion & Interview
12M.Sc. Artificial IntelligenceB.Sc. Computer Science / Information Technology / Computer Technology /Applied Sciences / BCA / B.Voc. Artificial Intelligence / B.Sc. Artificial Intelligence / B.Sc. Data Science40040
Allied Healthcare and  Sciences (Self- Financed)
S.NoProgramme NameEligibility CriteriaFees (previous year 2024-25)
1BASLP  Bachelor in Audiology and Speech Language PathologyCandidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and any one of Biology / Mathematics / Computer Science / Statistics / Electronics / Psychology83595
2B.PT Bachelor of PhysiotherapyCandidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Botany and Zoology.58595
3B.Opto  Bachelor of OptometryCandidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / Computer Science / Biology58595
4B.Sc. Physician AssistantCandidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Biology / Botany and Zoology.51095
5M.Sc Clinicial EmbryologyCandidates must hold Bachelor of Science Degree (BSc) from any recognized University with Life Science subjects
• MBBS / BDS / BVSC / B.Pharm. / B.Sc. Nursing / BHMS B.Sc. Physician Assistant
• B.Sc. Biotechnology / B.Sc. Biochemistry / B.Sc. Biochemistry & Biotechnology / B.Sc. Zoology / B.Sc.
Microbiology and Life Science related courses
6M.Sc Clinical PsychologyCandidates must hold a Bachelor’s Degree in any Psychology course from a recognized University80550
Education Programmes 
S.NoProgramme NameEligibility CriteriaFees (Previous year 2024-25)
1B.Ed.3 year Bachelor’s Degree / Master’s Degree in the relevant subject with 55% of marks. For Economics alone, Master’s Degree is essential22550
2B.Ed. Spl Ed (VI)3 year Bachelor’s Degree / Master’s Degree in Mathematics / Physics / Chemistry / Botany / Zoology / Home Science / English
/ History
3B.Ed. Spl Ed (HI)
4B.P.EdAny Degree / B.Sc. Physical Education13450
5M.Ed.A pass in B.Ed/B.A.B.Ed/B.Sc. B.Ed/ B.EL.E22965
6M.Ed. Spl Ed (VI)B.Ed. Special Education (VI)
7M.Ed. Spl Ed (HI)B.Ed. Special Education (HI)
Engineering Programmes 
B.E. Programmes
S.NoName of the ProgrammeEligibility  as per Institute norms
1Computer Science and EngineeringMathematics, Physics & any one from Chemistry / Computer Science / Biology / Electronics/ Information Technology/ Biotechnology with a pass
at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 70%.
2CSE (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)Mathematics, Physics & any one from Chemistry / Computer Science / Biology / Electronics/ Information Technology/  Biotechnology with a pass
at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 65%.
3CSE (IoT and Cyber Security including Block chain Technology)Mathematics, Physics & any one from Chemistry / Computer Science / Biology / Electronics/ Information Technology/  Biotechnology with a pass
at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 65%.
4Artificial Intelligence and Data ScienceMathematics, Physics & any one from Chemistry / Computer Science / Biology / Electronics/ Information Technology/  Biotechnology with a pass
at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 75%.
5Electronics and Communication EngineeringMathematics, Physics & any one from Chemistry / Computer Science / Biology / Electronics/ Information Technology/ Biotechnology with a pass
at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 60%.
6Biomedical Instrumentation EngineeringPhysics, Chemistry & any one from Mathematics/ Biology/ Computer Science / Biotechnology /
Electronics with a pass at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 50%.
7Food TechnologyChemistry & any two from Mathematics/ Physics
/Biology/ Computer Science / Biotechnology/ Electronics with a pass at  10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 50%.
8Civil Engineering with Computer ApplicationMathematics, Physics and Chemistry with a pass at 10 + 2 level and an aggregate marks of at least 45%.
9Printing TechnologyPhysics, Chemistry & any one from Mathematics/ Biology/ Computer Science /Biotechnology / Electronics with a pass at 10 + 2 level and an
aggregate marks of at least 45%.
M.E. Programmes
S.NoName of the ProgrammeEligibility  as per Institute norms
1Artificial Intelligence and Data ScienceB.E. / B.Tech. in any branch of Engineering with a pass and an aggregate marks of at least 50%.
2Medical ElectronicsB.E. / B.Tech. in any circuit branch of Engineering with a pass and an aggregate marks of at least 50%.
3Embedded Systems and VLSIB.E. / any circuit branch of Engineering with a pass and an aggregate marks of at least 50%.
4Food TechnologyB.E/B.Tech. in Food Processing and Preservation Technology/Food Technology/Chemical Technology/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics
/Biochemical/Environmental Engineering/Agricultural Engineering / Agricultural Process Engineering with a pass and an aggregate marks of at least 50%.
M.Sc. in Food Sc. / Dairy Science / Food Technology / Biotechnology / Food Processing Technology / Food Science & Technology / Dairy Technology/ Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics/ Microbiology/ Bio Chemistry Botany/Zoology with a pass and an aggregate marks of at least 50%.
Postgraduate Diploma Programmes
S.No.Name of the programmeEligibility CriteriaFees (Previous year 2024-25)
1PG.Diploma Nutrition & DieteticsB.Sc. Home Science / programmes related to Nutrition and Dietetics /Food Service Management andDietetics / Hotel Human Food Processing and Technology Nutrition and Nutraceutical Management / Engineering / B.A. Hons. / B.Sc. Home Science23325
2PG.Diploma Apparel DesigningB.Sc. Home Science/Any degree related to Textiles / Costume Design and Fashion
/ B.Voc. Textile Dyeing and
3PG.Diploma Public Health NutritionB.Sc. Home Science / Food Science & Nutrition / Foods & Nutrition / Human Nutrition & Nutraceuticals / Public Health Nutrition / Food Science and Technology / Food Processing & Quality Control / BA / B.Sc., Hons. Home Science / Community
Science / Nutrition / B.Sc.
4PG.Diploma FrenchAny undergraduate degree
with prior (basic) knowledge of French
5PG.Diploma  Artificial IntelligenceGraduate in Engineering or B.Sc. in IT / Computer Science /Electronics / Telecommunications / Electrical / Instrumentation 
Ph.D Programmes

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