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Community and Social Service (CSS)

CSS University Cell (i/c)

Dr.(Mrs.) R. Jansi Rani
Assistant Professor (SG)
Home Science Extension Education

Educationally, the curricular component needs to be integrated with the developmental activities in the community; such integration would bring realism to the courses of study, since the subject matter studied can then be applied to life situations. In CSS, the students understand the communities around them and identify themselves with their aspirations, needs, problems, resources and plans, and educate the masses for their development.

The major and unique educational innovation, the University brought forth has been incorporating Community and Social Service (CSS) in the curriculum at the post graduate level with academic weightage and credibility. The pattern has been systematized in such a way tha the entire gamut of PG students and over 25 per cent of the staff body at a time reach out to the community, giving a frontal attack to the problems of women and children in the neighbourhood.

The Home Science Extension Department as a branch of specialization of the Faculty of Home Science has made its mark to establish the credibility of the University as a centre of excellence in community outreach involving students with focus on 'Women Empowerment'.

The major tasks of CSS are cooperatively determined to promote action achievable by the level of maturity of the group, permitted by the available resources and defined in terms of behavioural changes among students and the members of the community.

Planning the CSS Programme

The University has allotted two hours per week for the post graduates for two semesters.

In order to develop the competencies required to guide students effectively and monitor the CSS, the staff in charge of CSS are adequately trained about the community life and programmes of development, techniques of working with people, utilizing the infrastructure and evaluating the students and the outcomes of CSS work.).

Evaluation pattern

  • CREDIT - 1 [0.5]

  • CIA + CE [25 + 25 = 50] + 50 = 100

  • CIA for two semester

  • CE at the end of the II semester -2 hours


Email for CSS -

Powerpoint presentation

Click here to view....... Syllabus

Book Material 1

Book Material 2

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