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Entrepreneurship Development Cell

About us

Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) was established in the Faculty of Engineering on 31-03-2011, under AICTE/RIFD/EDC Scheme 2010-11 for a period 3 years with a sanctioned amount of INR 7.05 lakhs. This Scheme is launched with a view to encourage students in AICTE approved Technical Institutions both at polytechnic as well as degree level to consider self employment as a career option. The objective was to provide training in Entrepreneurship through modular courses, interaction with experts from industries, facilitating agencies and financial institutions to provide insights of Management and Finance, particularly in the non-corporate and under managed sectors.

The Entrepreneurship Development Cell is managed by a Chief Coordinator and a team of faculty coordinators from various departments. At present Dr. (Mrs.) Rymala Mathan is the Chief coordinator. The EDC started functioning to create awareness on the concept of entrepreneurship among faculty members and students of the institution. Orientation programmes were conducted for students and faculty members of all schools, with the help of National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN). Faculty development programme on entrepreneurship were conducted, sponsored by NSTEDB (National Science and Technology Entrepreneurial Board, DST, Govt. of India). The Chief coordinator attended the FDP in EDI India, (Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India) Ahmedabad.

Since then, every year training projects like EACs (Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps) for students, WEDP (Women Entrepreneurship Development Programme), TEDPs (Technology based Entrepreneurship Development Programme) sanctioned by EDI India Ahmedabad were organised for graduates and professionals of society. An FDP on Entrepreneurship Development sponsored by RGNIYD (Rajiv Gandhi National Institute for Youth Development) Tamilnadu, was also conducted for Assistant professors of our Institution to create awareness and for them to motivate the students towards entrepreneurship.

A EDC students club was launched in 2020 with 65 active members. Final year students were motivated to take up innovative projects and the ideas were selected and mentored for developing it into viable business ideas. Many students have started their business and running it successfully in various areas.

  • Create an entrepreneurship culture in the institution>
  • Provide entrepreneurial skills for a sustainable business and to instill interest among students to take up entrepreneurship as an alternative career option.
  • Develop a desire to search for new opportunities and ideas to become a successful entrepreneur.
  • To utilize the infrastructure facilities and technically trained manpower for the development of non-corporate and unorganized sectors.
  • To promote better employment opportunities
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