Computer Centre is functioning as a technology provider to students, researchers and teaching community to fulfill their computational, technological, Internet requirements and facilitate a common computational resource centre for the academic programmes as well as for maintenance of the other computing resources in the Institute
Campus Network
Avinashilingam Institute is deployed its first Campus-Wide Network in 2000-2002. The existing network is a star topology network The Core Switch installed in the Computer Centre is a L3 Switch Cisco 4510. Sophos Firewall and K7 enterprise security is used to secure the Network of the Institute. The Institute is provided with 1Gbps shared connectivity from NKN under NMEICT, and for redundancy, the bandwidth gradually increases from 50 Mbps to 400Mbps. At present Skylink is the redundant service provider. The entire campus is provided with 75 number of gigabyte switches both managed and unmanaged. The Local area network is divided as 16 VLANs. At present the institute is catering to services like online classrooms, E-Governance, Digitization of entire campus services and IP based Surveillance.
e-Governance Facility
eCampus automates the day to day administrative and academic processes and streamlines the flow of information which ensures smooth functioning of an institutional activities. This solution is beneficial to all stake holders of an institution including Management, students, faculty and parents. eCampus application is developed in LAMPP(Linux, Apache, MYSQL, Perl and PHP) and implemented in the year 2012.The e-campus, the e-governance software has various modules. Students module facilitates the students to know their attendance, marks secured, overall performance , fee details, etc. Staff module has provisions to mark attendance , to enter the marks, to update their individual profile . Several modules like Admission module , Exam module, Project module, Hostel Module also form the part of e-governance software .
National Cyber Defence Research Centre
National Cyber Defence Research Centre was inaugurated on 5th Oct, 2018. The Centre has been established in association with the National Cyber Safety and Security Standards (NCSSS). The Centre was inaugurated by the Chancellor Padmashri. Dr.Krishnakumar and Dr.E.Khalieraaj, Addl.Director General, NCSSS.
NCSSS ensures strategies by creating awareness about cyber safety and security among populations. The Higher Level Committee of National Cyber Safety & Security Standards chaired by Hon'ble Dr.Justice S.Mohan, Former Judge, Supreme Court of India had nominated Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore as the "National Resource Centre"(National Cyber Security Programme - NCSP) in Zone III during 2016.
Our Institute is previleged to be the first women Institution in India to set up the Nationa Cyber Defence Research Centre (NCDRC) by signing of Memorandun Of Understanding with the NCSSS. The MoU aims to provide skill based training, Internships and real time projects in the domain of cyber security.
Wifi campus
Wireless facility is provided in the campus since 2009 onwards. Students and Staff members can have seamless access to the internet anywhere in the campus. Initially started with45 CISCO Indoor access points and 10 CISCO Outdoor access points centrally supported by a layer 3 high end Core switch ( 4510 R-E) .Cisco layer3 and Cisco Layer2 managed switches are used to cover the whole Institute. WIFI policy is maintained to provide the wifi facility for staff and students. With this initiative all students and staff with laptops and mobile for staffs will be able to access Internet and Intranet services.
Video Conferencing Facility
Video Conferencing between the main campus and satellite campus are regularly conducted. Hi-tech Seminar hall is used for video conference and experts on various domains give their speech through video conferencing on regular basis. Government meetings (MHRD & UGC) are conducted through this facility using NKN.