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Tamil Voice based Education bot

Team Members: Dr.P.Subashini , Professor , Dept of Computer Science

Dr. T.T. Dhivyaprabha, Research Associate, DST-CURIE-AI

Ms.M.Mohana, Research Scholar , Dept of Computer Science

Ms. Divyasri.S , II M.Sc , Dept of Computer Science

Project Summary: Mobile Learning (M-Learning) application is a rapid growing technology in 21st Century, which plays a major role in educating the children. Previous study shows that the Mobile applications effectively improve the learner’s engagement and the motivation in learning. The main aim of this proposed application is to develop a mobile application in Tamil language to overcome the language issues faced by the Native language learners of aged 8- 10 years to teach computer science subject. It also incorporates the Adaptive learning method and classical Q learning method which customize the students learning by providing the flexible learning path is called Adaptive learning. Classical Q learning customizing the children cognitive skills to obtain the quality of learning with rewards. This proposed system uses the CCI (Child Computer Interaction) standards because it sets base ideas to teach children about basic Computer content. Such contents are: About Computer, Uses of computer, Computer Hardware and computer Software. According to CCI Standards, an educational application should be developed based on the child-centric concept to effectively engage the children in learning. There are 13 Multimodal preferences are made from the various learning strategies. For example, VA (Video and Audio) questioner is the bimodal combination of Visual and Audio strategy. Proposed application is designed based on considering the combination of two strategies called VA questionnaires. In this, children’s basic knowledge about the computer science subject is identified by conducting the Pre[1]Assessment, which is used to recommend the learning content by means of analysing the test scores. After that, the VA learning module represents the visual and aural style. In accordance with learning style selections it shows the learning levels such as (1) Easy level, (2) Medium level and the (3) Hard level, at last it shows the learning progress of an children with Post[1]Assessment score. A pilot study is conducted with the help of 65 randomly selected students from classes 3rd and 5th of Sri Avinashilingam Aided Primary school. The validation is done on two ways: Such as individual validation and the group validation along with feedback. Children showed that they were happy and interested to use the app and also shared their feedback genuinely. This shows that the proposed application significantly increases the children’s interest and engagement in learning


Education bot
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