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Team Members: 

Prof. P. Subashini, Professor,Dept of Computer Science 

Dr. M. Krishnaveni, Assistant Professor (SG), Dept of Computer Science 

Mrs. V. Narmadha, Technical Assistant, CMLI

 Project Summary: Farm automation is often associated with smart farming. It is a robot to farm the different crops in a particular area. The robot itself moves around using tracks on the sides of the box, and it works in three dimensions. It moves left, right, forward, backward, up and down. Farmbot sow’s seeds, waters plants and gets rid of weeds by using different tools depending on the task. It monitors the plant 24*7. Farmbot is deployed in our centre that helps to conduct training for students, research scholars, NGOs and entrepreneurs to create awareness and gain knowledge about technology-aided farming. It nurtures interests, skills and motivates various stakeholders to establish new startups and agri-related product development.

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