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C.A.R.E (Centre for Ambitious and Resourceful Endeavors)

This is an initiative of the staff and students of the Department of Psychology which extends Guidance and Counseling to Faculty and students of the institution. Moving with the concept of "Knowing onself is true wisdom", the centre motivates the student community to feel free to undergo Psychometric assessment that would open their Pandora box of Aptitude, Abilities and Personality Characteristics. This yields them an opportunity to facilitate their decision in choice of career, higher education and for a Holistic Personal Development. The centre also provides assistance to staff and students to deal with their emotional and personal concerns.


Conducting Psychometric Assessment: The Psychometric assessments are standardized and scientific, used to assess the behavioral competency of an individual. The assessments used in C.A.R.E are as follows:

  • Self-Esteem Questionnaire
  • Myer's Brigg Type Indicator
  • Comprehensive Interest Schedule
  • Assertiveness Inventory
  • Aggression Scale
  • Promoting Insights through introspection
  • Being aware of one's strength & Weaknesses
  • Managing emotions
  • Knowing one's positive & negative beliefs
  • Recognize destructive belief system and destroy them
  • Explore one's area of interest
  • Promote decision making skills
  • Develop a change in perception
  • Enhance holistic development

C. A. R. E services are designed to help students assess and address academic, relational, social, and emotional concerns. As part of career guidance, every year, Personality Mapping and Aptitude Testing are done for all outgoing students. It also helps teachers identify slow learners, under achievers and poor achievers and adapt innovative methods of instruction to facilitate the needy.

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