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Academic Council (As per UGC Regulations, 2023)

The Academic Council shall be the principal academic body of the institution deemed to be University and shall, subject to the provision of the rules of the institution deemed to be University, co-ordinate and exercise general supervision over the academic policy of the institution deemed to be University. The composition of the Academic Council shall be as under—

  • Vice Chancellor - Chairperson;

  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (wherever applicable);

  • Deans of faculties of the schools and heads of the departments or centres;

  • up to ten Professors (excluding those who are Deans of schools and heads of departments or centres) by rotation, to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor giving due regard to the representation of different schools or departments or centres;

  • up to five Associate Professors from departments or centres other than the heads of the departments or centres, by rotation, to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor;

  • up to five Assistant Professors from the departments or centres other than the heads of the departments or centres, by rotation, to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor;

  • six persons of repute from amongst the educationists or experts for their specialised knowledge, who are not in the service of the institution deemed to be University, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; and

  • the Registrar, who shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the Academic Council.


Academic Council Members

Members List

Academic Council Minutes

46th Academic Council Meeting - 12.01.2024

45th Academic Council Meeting - 12.01.2024

44th Academic Council Meeting - 14.07.2023

43rd Academic Council Meeting - 25.08.2022

42nd Academic Council Meeting - 12.01.2022

41st Academic Council Meeting - 05.10.2021

40th Academic Council Meeting - 21.09.2020

39th Academic Council Meeting - 28.06.2019

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