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Department of Education

The Teacher Education initiates graduates and post graduates into the profession of teaching by instilling in them knowledge, competency, skills and attitudes needed to act as agents of social change and modernization.

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Genesis and growth of the School of Education

Sri Avinashilingam Teachers' College came into being in the year 1968 with 70 students in the B.T. course with a faculty strength of 5.The college which was affiliated to the then Madras University started with only Mathematics, Home Science and English as optional subjects and soon increased its scope by offering more optional namely Physical Science, Biological Science, History and Economics. Vertical expansion was effected by introducing M.Ed. Degree course in 1973, M.Phil. (Edn) in 1986 & Ph.D. (Edn) in 1989. The year 1988 saw the College of Education coming into the fold of the newly born Avinashilingam Deemed University in the name of Faculty of Education. In 2018 Faculty of Education is renamed as School of Education.

The School is headed by the Dean and the Department by HoD. The Department of Education comprises of a Professor, two Associate Professors, four Assistant Professors, Four Temporary Assistant Professors and Three Teaching Assistants.


The General Objectives of our programmes are to:
  • Develop competencies and skills that go to make an effective teacher
  • Provide opportunities for practice teaching and preparation of instructional materials
  • Inculcate positive attitude towards learners
  • Develop knowledge, attitude and skills to handle classes in inclusive setup
  • Inculcate social and moral values in personal and professional life
  • Provide opportunities for learning fine arts
  • Develop research aptitude and
  • Develop socially committed Teachers, Teacher Educators, Researchers and Entrepreneurs

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