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Department of Clinical Embryology

Infertility or failure to conceive naturally affects nearly 15% of married couples. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) which involves handling of gametes and in-vitro fertilization is a well-established modality of treatment for many of these infertility cases. The success of any ART center depends not only on clinicians with expertise in the area of reproductive medicine, but also on a meticulously maintained laboratory with ‘State of the Art’ equipments and well trained embryologists.

Department of Optometry


Advancing the frontiers of optometric knowledge through evidence-based research and then applying this knowledge to improve patients' lives.


Integrating innovative education with early and diverse clinical experiences to prepare competent Optometrist.

Department of Optometry

Programmes Offered
  • Bachelor in Optometry 4 years (6 semesters + 1 year internship)
  • Bachelor in Optometry : Candidates should have passed the Higher Secondary Examination with the following subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics / Computer Science / Biology
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