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Centre for CCI

About the Centre

Cyber Security has become a major challenge due to the increased usage of the Internet and Mobile Devices for personal applications and professional activities. Application of Internet of Things in Smart City and Smart Industrial applications have challenged the entire digital system through sophisticated cyber-attacks on the entire IT infrastructures. Many Cyber Frauds and Scams are also on the rise affecting the common man when they start using the digital facilities without proper training and awareness. The cyber threat landscape is also increasing because of the disruptive technologies like AI. To use the electronic devices and the Internet safely and securely to the benefit of the individuals, IT infrastructures must become resilient against the threats and vulnerabilities that are intelligent. Hence, there is a need for application of Artificial Intelligence in developing solutions and handling the threats in an effective manner. Orientation, training, capacity building, and interactions with the leading experts in the domain. Organizing training, workshops, and capacity building programmes to handle and manage the risks are the need of the hour for the younger generation and for Nation Building activities.


To build Cyber Ecosystem within the Institute, outside, in other Institutions and in the society at large through Center for Cyber Intelligence


Provide training and awareness on various Cyber Security Challenges and promote better practices in Cyber Space with research and innovation in Cyber Intelligence.


Quality life with secure cyber operations


  • To create awareness among the students and the public
  • To organize capacity building programs 
  • To promote the research ecosystem


Principal Investigator

Dr.V.Bharathi Harishankar 

Vice Chancellor



Staff In-charge


Dean - School of Physical Sciences and Computational Sciences

Professor of Computer Science

Mail :






Facilities Provided by CCI

This Centre for Cyber Intelligence aims to create awareness about Cyber Security with Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques with its practical applications. To ensure security in various sectors that address real-world problems through an AI approach. Cyber intelligence-based research and projects were given to scholars and various students from M.Sc Computer Science, Master of Computer Applications (MCA), and M.Sc Information Technology. Cyber Security certification courses were introduced for Information Technology and through hybrid mode various hands-on training programs, Workshops, Faculty Development Programs, and Internship programs are provided to the participants and students from inside and from all over India. This Centre is standalone for providing security solutions to facilitate the students and researchers to build the cyber ecosystem. The Centre also expands its boundary by collaborating with international tie-ups with Soebit Cyber Security, The Netherlands, Europe.

  • CCI Research Lab

  • Accessibility of  Open Source Tools for Cyber Security

  • Kali Linux Tool

  • Wireshark for Network Traffic Monitoring

  • Python for Cyber Intelligence

  • 2.4TB Dell PowerEdge R740 - Rack Server 

Thrust Areas of CCI
  • Mobile Malware Detection
  • Insider Threat Detection in Cloud
  • Phishing Detection
  • Spam Detection
  • IoT attack Detection
  • Network Intrusion Detection
  • User Authentication Biometrics
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Security Auditing
  • Template attack Detection
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Face Spoofing/Deep Fake Detection



Software tools provided for Cyber Security and Cyber Intelligence 

  • Kali Linux for Cyber Security
  • Wireshark for Network Traffic Monitoring
  • Python for Cyber Intelligence


Consultancy Services

S.No. Consultancy Service Total Hours Charges
1. Machine Learning Model Development for Cyber attack detection and mitigation Depends on the Model Rs. 500 / model
2. Biometric authentication for fraud detection Depends on the Model Rs. 500 / model


Training Services

S.No. Title Total Hours Charges
1. Mobile Malware Classification using Supervised Machine Learning Methods in Python 16 Hrs Rs. 500
2. Vulnerability Assessment with Nessus  8 hrs Rs. 200
3. Mobile Malware Analysis with Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods using Python
9 hrs
Rs. 200
4. Ensemble Methods of Feature Selection for Detecting Phishing Websites using Python
7 hrs
Rs. 200
5. Sampling Techniques for Detection of Malicious Insiders in Cloud using Python 
7 hrs
6. Security Auditing using NMAP
8 hrs
Rs. 200
7. Cyber Threat Intelligence
30 hrs
Rs. 2000
8. Web Application Security Testing with Burp Suite 
8 hrs
Rs. 200
9. Mobile Malware Data Analysis using Regression Models with Python
9 hrs
Rs. 200
10. Network Simulator 2 Scratch with Techies 
12 hrs
Rs. 300
11. Data Protection and Privacy 
30 hrs
Rs. 2000
12. Open Source Tools for Cyber Security 
8 hrs
Rs. 200 
13. Ethical Hacking using Open Source Tools
8 hrs
Rs. 200
14. Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing 
36 hrs
Rs. 2500
15. Quantum Secure Computing
8 hrs
Rs. 200
16. Demystifying IoT Security
8 hrs
Rs. 200
17. Vulnerability Assessment and Management
40 hrs
Rs. 3000
18. Malware Detection using Machine Learning with Python
30 hrs
Rs. 2000

Certificate Courses

S.No. Course Name Total Hours Charges
1. Malware Detection using Machine Learning with Python 40 hrs Rs. 3000
2. Vulnerability Assessment and Management 40 hrs Rs. 3000
3. Web Application Security with Burp Suite 40 hrs Rs. 3000
4. Digital Forensics 40 hrs Rs. 3000


Staff In-charge


Staff In-charge

Centre for Cyber Intelligence

Dean - School of Physical Sciences and Computational Sciences

               Mail id :



Assistant Professor and Head

Department of Information Technology



Assistant Professor 

Department of Information Technology


Dr.D.Nethra Pingala Suthishni

Assistant Professor

Department of Information Technology



Assistant Professor

Department of Information Technology



Research Assistant

Centre for Cyber Intelligence

Research Title: Malware Detection and Prediction using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques

Research Scholars


Research Scholar

Department of Computer Science

Research Title: Detection and Mitigation of Cloud Insider Threat Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques




Certificate Courses

Copyrights - 3

1. Asha S, Shanmugapriya D, Padmavathi G, “Malicious insider threat detection using variation of sampling methods for anomaly detection in cloud environment” Computers and Electrical Engineering, Volume 105, 2023,108519, ISSN 0045-7906, DOI: 

2. Asha S., Shanmugapriya D., "Understanding insiders in cloud adopted organizations: A survey on taxonomies, incident analysis, defensive solutions, challenges", Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 158, 2024, Pages 427-446, ISSN 0167-739X, DOI:

3. Padmavathi Ganapathi, Roshni Arumugam, Shanmugapriya Dhathari., "An intelligent obfuscated mobile malware detection using deep supervised learning algorithms", Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 2604-2612, ISSN: 2089-3191, e-ISSN: 2302-9285, DOI:

4. Shanmugapriya, D.; Pingala Suthishni, D. Nethra; Sasirekha, V.; Padmavathi, G.; Keerthika, M., "A Survey on Spoofing and Selective Forwarding Attacks on Zigbee Based WSN.", Mapana Journal of Sciences, 2023, Vol 22, p397,ISSN 0975-3303, DOI: 10.12723/mjs.sp2.23

5. Bhuvaneswari, K.; Roshni, A.; Padmavathi, G.,"Evaluation of Selected Supervised Machine Learning Models for Phishing Website Detection.", Grenze International Journal of Engineering & Technology (GIJET), 2024, Vol 10, p2011, ISSN 2395-5287

6. Kiruthika, S.; Roshni, A.; Padmavathi, G., "Detection of Obfuscated Malware using Ensemble Learning Techniques.", Grenze International Journal of Engineering & Technology (GIJET), 2024, Vol 10, p1978, ISSN 2395-5287

7. Sneha, S.; Roshni, A.; Padmavathi, G., "A Stacked Ensemble Model to Detect Network Intrusions.", Grenze International Journal of Engineering & Technology (GIJET), 2024, Vol 10, p2045ISSN 2395-5287

Conferences - 11

Book Chapters - 5


  • Organizing hands-on training and workshops on security tools and techniques
  • Guiding and motivating UG and PG students to take up projects
  • Creating awareness among women, girl children and public on Cyber Frauds, Scams and Threats
  • Promotion of best practices for Social Media Security
  • Orienting the Information Technology Act, its amendments, and Cyber laws
  • Development of video lessons for training
  • Promotion of Security Audit practice within the institution
  • Establishment of tie-ups and interactions with organizations
  • Conduct research in Cyber Intelligence domain and encourage publications, copyrights and patents

CCI Trainings and Workshops

CCI Training Programmes






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