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The support of the CareerGuidance and Counseling Cell, that the institution extends to the students, makes them confident to perform better in their career. Counseling, thus addresses both the academic and the career concerns and opportunities. The institution inculcates a positive attitude and a value added service to the students. The spirit of offering guidance on sharing resources, awareness on availability of opportunities and facilities, information and guidance about market patterns and grooming the employability skills that help in building a base for the students is exercised through the career and counseling cell, as a result of socio economic integration.

  1. The cell supports the students in the development of soft skills and communication ability, to challenge the rigors of competitive tests and at work place.
  2. The cell organizes industrial experts orientation to the students of all faculty to update the latest trends and industry pre-requisites. Domain based training programmes are arranged prior to the campus recruitment.
  3. Pre-internship programme is organized to make the students industry ready. Also, Earn and Learn programmes are arranged for the needy students.
  4. Training on aptitude and logical reasoning is an on going process for the final year students, which helps them to succeed in the quantitative tests during the campus interviews.
  5. Mock interviews and group discussions are also a part of the industry readiness programme.
  6. The cell organizes series of entrpreneurship programmes with the motto of facilitating students to become job creators rather than job seekers.
  7. Periodical understanding of the job avenues prevailing in the market is understood and programmes are organized to the students at par.
  8. Develop synergy between industries and University.
  9. Counsel and mentor the students in the career prospects in diverse fields.
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