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Contact Details

The placement activities are executed by Advisors, Placement Officer & Counsellors backed by - Deans of various Schools and Staff Advisory Committee drawn from various Schools .The Placement Cell is assisted by Student Placement Coordinator who leads the team of placement representatives from various discipline.


Dr.Bharati Harishankar, Vice Chancellor
Dr.S.Kowsalya, Registrar
Dr. S.Sargunam, Dean, School of Engineering
Dr. S. Raja, Director, Campus II (SF) Arts & Science

For Queries Contact

Placement Officer
Dr.(Mrs.) S. Sudharani,
0422- 2440241 / 2435550 Ext. 289

The Placement team takes immense pleasure in inviting all industry personnel’s to visit our campus to hire our final year graduates and post graduates who are ready to be hired and deployed with you in bringing their knowledge, talent and values from the campus to the corporate in following the organizational values and thereby strive for the growth of the organization and self.

Sarada here to assist youX
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