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  • Conduct seminar, workshops, Career Awareness Programmes
  • Equip the graduates to the demands of corporate environment
  • Arrange Personality Development Workshops
  • To train students in designing their resumes and facing interviews confidently
  • Trains students in aptitude tests, communicative skills, interview techniques, group discussions etc.,
  • On-line Tests
  • Conduct Mock sessions
  • Business Etiquettes
  • Building strong competencies and skills in industry specific areas
  • Personality development- Interpersonal and Communication skills, Team building, Leadership, Motivation, Self - Esteem, Positive attitude etc.,
  • Personality Profiling
  • Company specific Training
  • Final placements
  • Pre-Placement talk
  • Project /summer placements / internship
  • Create and maintain a data-bank on profiles of passing out graduates.
  • Publicize the human resource potential
  • Invite various organizations for campus recruitment
  • Notification regarding various competitive examinations like banking, State level and National level service commission exams etc.
  • Keep track of all advertisements related to the Industry and communicating them to the concerned
  • Career Planning and Career Mapping
  • Counsel and guide the students
  • Career Planning and Career Mapping
  • To match skills and challenges that the industry expects
  • Periodical meeting with the final years to share and understand ideas about their opportunities and interests
Industry-institute Interface:
  • Rapport building with the industries
  • Create relationships with key recruiters worldwide
  • Interaction with other educational institutions

In understanding the industry expectations, all pursuing graduates are trained on soft skill, communication skill, aptitude training in the IVth and Vth Semester. Pre-placement talks, career awareness programmes, all notices of the service commission exams and competitive exams are brought to the notice of the students and are encouraged to apply for the same. Supporting training programmes are facilitated to the students. Need based training programmes are customized according to the requirements.Holistic training is given to the students in preparing them for placements.
Plethora ofbooks on preparation for placements, competitive exams and higher education are made available for the students.
Self learning on-line resources are available to the students access at their own conveniences. Likely,

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