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Department Of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science is supported by assimilation of Laboratory facilities for the faculties and Students to usurp the learning resources in order to expand the excellence in all the programs and to acquire educational opportunities at the pinnacle.The Resources of Computer Lab reinforce the students, faculties, and supporting staff to implicate in all academic programs by providing access to technological resources with High-Speed Internet access there by adopting a unique learning synergy.The Computer Laboratories continue to be a locale for students t

Department Of Computer Science

Department Profile

The Department of Computer Science established in the year 1988, is known for its active academic and research activities. It has been the pioneer in introducing several courses to match the demands of the current advancements in technology. Through the years the department evolved into a strong academic and research contributor in different domains of computer science. The department boasts of the well-qualified team of faculty members committed to academic excellence

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