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Department Of Human Development

  • Child Laboratory Nursery school for students participation and learning through instruction, internship and research
  • Planned indoor and outdoor infrastructure for child laboratory nursery school with appropriate teacher child ratio
  • Child Assessment and Parents Guidance Centre in laboratory nursery school
  • Special care and attention for children with developmental and adjustment problems

Department Of Human Development


Develop student graduates to steer through the challenges in development, relationships, families and society.


Committed to associate instruction, research and extension activities for the development and well-being of people through assessment and guidance across life stages; formulating developmentally appropriate ECCE programme; socially and culturally relevant research advocacy.

Department Of Human Development

Human Development is the study of how human beings grow, develop, behave and sustain physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially across life stages as an individual in the personal, familial and societal life. Human Development offers an interdisciplinary approach in achieving holistic development by promoting resilience and preventing risks throughout the life span.

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