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Vision & Mission & Moto


To build Cyber Ecosystem within the Institute, outside, in other Institutions and in the society at large through Center for Cyber Intelligence


Provide training and awareness on various Cyber Security Challenges and promote better practices in Cyber Space with research and innovation in Cyber Intelligence.


Quality life with secure cyber operations

About the Centre

About the Centre

Cyber Security has become a major challenge due to the increased usage of the Internet and Mobile Devices for personal applications and professional activities. Application of Internet of Things in Smart City and Smart Industrial applications have challenged the entire digital system through sophisticated cyber-attacks on the entire IT infrastructures. Many Cyber Frauds and Scams are also on the rise affecting the common man when they start using the digital facilities without proper training and awareness.

Faculty Profile


Dr. PA. Raajeswari
Associate Professor (CAS)
Department of Food Science And Nutrition

Research Assistant
Dharani Priya S

Contact Details:

Intercom: 256


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