- MoA
- Bye-Laws
- DoPT Rules
- Minutes of Executive Council
- 136th Executive Council - Circulation
- 135th Executive Council Minutes - 12.06.2024
- 134th Executive Council - Circulation
- 133rd Executive Council Minutes - 26.02.2024
- 132nd Executive Council Sent by Circulation- 08.01.2024
- 131st Executive Council Minutes - 22.11.2023
- 130th Executive Council Minutes - 16.08.2023
- 129th Executive Council Circulation - 21.07.2023
- 128th BoM Circulation - 31.05.2023
- 127th BoM Minutes 12.04.2023
- 126th BoM - Minutes 15.12.2022
- 125th BoM 19.10.2022
- 124th BoM Minutes 05.07.2022
- 123 BoM circulation 13.05.2022
- 122nd BoM circulation final 12.05.2022
- 121st BoM Minutes 21.04.2022
- 120th BoM Minutes- Circulation- 28.12.2021
- 119th BoM Minutes- Circulation- 28.12.2021
- 118th BoM Minutes - 20.10.2021
- 117th BoM Minutes - 31.08.2021
- 116th BoM Minutes - 21.7.2021
- 115th BoM Minutes - 28.6.2021
- 114th BoM Minutes - 16.04.2021
- 113th BoM Minutes - 11.01.2021
- 112th BoM Minutes - 18.12.2019
- 110th BoM Minutes - 01.10.2019
- Acdemic Council Meeting Minutes
- 46th Academic Council Meeting - 19.07.2024
- 45th Academic Council Meeting - 12.01.2024
- 44th Academic Council Meeting - 14.07.2023
- 43rd Academic Council Meeting - 25.08.2022
- 42nd Academic Council Meeting - 12.01.2022
- 41st Academic Council Meeting - 05.10.2021
- 40th Academic Council Meeting - 21.09.2020
- 39th Academic Council Meeting - 28.06.2019
- Planning and Monitoring Board
- Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
- 51st Meeting -18.10.2024
- 50th Meeting -29.07.2024
- 49th Meeting -31.05.2024
- 48th Meeting -19.12.2023
- 47th Meeting -23.06.2023
- 46th Meeting -22.02.2023
- 45th Meeting -27.06.2022
- 44th Meeting -24.03.2022
- 43rd Meeting -19.06.2021
- 42nd Meeting -27.02.2021
- 41st Meeting -29.07.2020
- 40th Meeting -21.09.2019
- 39th Meeting -08.06.2019
- Other Financial Information
Finance and Accounts Manual 2024
FY 2023-2024
- Budget
- C & AG Audit para
- Details of Contractors
- List of Completed Schemes Projects Programmes
- List of Schemes Project Programme Underway
- List of Finance Committee Members
- Subsidy programme
FY 2022-2023
- Third Party Audit Reply
- Received Applications
- Details of questions asked and replies given in the parliament
- Annual Financial Statements
- Other Information