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Circulation counter handles the front desk operations of the library. The major activities are
  • Issue and return of books
  • Attending the user query for effective interpretation of library rules and regulations
  • Sending SMS reminders to overdue documents
  • Maintenance of circulation module of library management software (Koha) maintenance and updating of all data related to library users
  • Maintaining records related to lost of book(s) and overdue charges
  • Collection of the overdue charges and paying the same to the finance section
  • No due issuing
  • Assisting the users for accessing OPAC and library catalogue
  • Attending the users query for effective interpretation of library rules and regulations
  • Conducting academic tours to the institute library for visitors and students from other institutes
  • Granting permission to outsiders to use the library
  • Generating reports and statistics for the circulation

Issue Return Procedures

Issue/Return of library materials is the routine operation of any library. The Proper sequence of activities for issue and receipt of library books is defined as follows:

While Issuing Book:
  • A quick glance is cast while issuing the book for any damage
  • Details into issue database are entered
  • The books are handed over to the users.
While receiving the books:
  • A quick glance is cast while receiving the book for any damage
  • Due dates are checked for necessary action
  • The books are sent to stack for shelving .

All the students, faculty members and employees of the institute are entitled for the membership of the library

Borrowing Rules
  • The privilege of borrowing books from the library is restricted to members only
  • The members are provided with RFID-enabled identity cards
  • Identity cards must be produced for borrowing books. These cards are not transferable
  • The reader should check the books thoroughly for missing pages, chapters etc., while getting them issued
  • No book in damaged condition will be accepted from the users on return. Damaged books will have to be replaced by the borrower
  • Loss of Identity card should be reported immediately to the Librarian
  • Books issued will not be accepted back on the same day
  • Loss of book must be reported immediately. Late fee, if any, will be charged till the loss of book is reported
  • Books are re-issued / renewed only if there are no claims
  • Readers will be charged with fine for overdue loans @ Re.5/- per book per day; the membership will be cancelled
  • after a period of 5 days of non-return of the books
  • Reference books, Theses, CDs and loose issues / bound volumes of periodicals will not be issued
  • Every user is requested to check the status of books outstanding against his/her name soon after a transaction in the counter.
  • Discrepancy, if any, should be brought to the notice of the person in the counter immediately. Any complaint thereafter is not likely to be entertained
Borrowing facilities
  • The number of books permitted and the duration for borrowing books varies according to the category of members as follows
  • Borrowed books must be returned within / on due date mentioned in the date slip of the document issued
  • Books, categories and duration for borrowing :
Documents that can be borrowed
  • Books from the general shelf can be borrowed
  • Demand Books can be borrowed only for one day
Documents that cannot be borrowed
  • Journals, Bound Volumes, Loose issues of journals and the latest available issue of the magazines are to be referred within library premises and are not available for issuing out.
  • CD ROMS, DVDs and audio video cassettes cannot be borrowed
  • Theses and Dissertations are not issuable
Overdue charges
  • Books that are returned after the due date are considered overdue. Uniform fine policy was approved by the library committee
  • A fine amount of Rs. 5.00 per day per book is collected from the students as overdue charges
Loss or Mutilation of Documents
  • Library materials are handled with care
  • If a borrowed book is lost or mutilated beyond usable condition, then the user informs the library in the prescribed form
  • A Lost book should be replaced by same or latest edition of new book with overdue charges
  • Overdue charges are not levied from the date of report until the same is replaced (is resolved within a month)
  • Incase, it cannot be replaced the following norms will apply
For Indian / Foreign publishers
Theft / Misuse of Library Resources
  • The theft or abuse of library resources like books, journals, theses, and dissertations will be viewed seriously
  • Each case will be examined and the matter will be reported to the concerned authorities
No dues certificate
  • No Dues Certificate’ concerning library membership will be issued by the library only after the library dues are fully cleared upon completion of programme.
  • An employee can get “No dues Certificate” for resignation / relieving only after fully clearing his/her library account.
Library Access by visitors: Day membership and charges
  • Interested students/ researchers from outside are allowed to utilize the library resources if they produce valid identity cards with appropriate permission letter and register as day members by paying a daily library fee of Rs.25.
Loss of Library Identity card
  • Loss of ID card should be reported to the library through their respective class teachers
  • Fill up the Duplicate Identity Requisition form
  • Rs.200 has to be paid in the finance section to obtain a duplicate card
  • Duplicate identity card issued
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