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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is defined as automatic identification technology which uses Radio Frequency Electromagnetic fields to identify objects carrying tags when they come close to a reader. This technology is being used in our library for smooth functioning of housekeeping operations (such as self check-in/check-out/self renewal/physical stock verification / tracing of books, etc).

The RFID helps in
  • Fastest, easiest, most efficient way to track, locate and manage library materials
  • Efficient book circulation management
  • Automatic Check-in and Check-out
  • Library inventory tracking in minutes instead of hours
  • Multiple books can be read simultaneously
  • Unique ID for the RFID tag prevents counterfeiting
Implementation of RFID

RFID is implemented in the year 2011 by procuring RFID Staff Station Reader, Wanda, RFID gate and Tags.

  • At present we have completed 1,50,000 books are tagged with RFID tags.
  • The tags are pasted in the last page of book and also the document detailed information like Call No, Accession Number is captured in the computer database for easier circulation and inventory.
  • Every year patron (library member) details are also stored in the computer database
  • RFID enabled Identity cards are provided to patrons.
  • This card is used as access card in circulation and multiple places of the library for user statistics.
  • Self Service KIOSK was introduced in the year 2015 enabling patrons for self check-in / check-out of books.
RFID Devices installed in the Library
  • RFID tag is the most important component of the RFID system. It is fixed inside the last cover page of the book.
  • It consist programmable antenna and microchip and labels with capacity of 1024 bits memory.
RFID Staff Station Reader
  • The staff station reader helps to write, read, and removes item related details in RFID Tag.
  • It is connected to the main computer system of the circulation counter and Library management software.
  • The use of RFID in circulation reduces the amount of time required to perform circulation operations.
  • For the users, RFID speeds up the borrowing and return procedures
Self Check-in/Check-out KIOSK
  • Self check-in/out kiosk serves as user station where user can do self issue, return, find overdue amount, and get enquiry slip from this station without going circulation counter
RFID Sensor Gate
  • Sensor gate includes two theft detection pedestals, which are interdependent of each other and also have an overlapping protection zones providing additional security.
  • The RFID gate reduces accidental or deliberate removal of library items by detecting RFID tags in any orientation. Upon detection, a configurable alert provides an immediate audible and/or visual warning
RFID Enabled Inventory (Wanda)
  • A unique advantage of RFID systems is their ability to scan books on the shelves without tipping them out or removing them.
  • A hand-held inventory reader can be moved rapidly across a shelf of books to read all of the unique identification information.
  • Using wireless technology, it is possible not only to update the inventory, but also to identify items, which are out of proper order.
Smart Card
  • Library provides multi-purpose RFID smart card to its patrons and this card is treated as Institute ID smart card
  • This card is also used to swipe access to many areas of the library.
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