- National Digital Library of India (NDL India) is an all-digital library that stores information (metadata) about different types of digital contents including books, articles, videos, audios, thesis and other educational materials relevant for users from varying educational levels and capabilities.
- The Library is a member of National Digital Library of India club and has enrolled staff and students as a member of NDLI club using the pass key.
- The scholarly resources can be accessed free of cost with the login provided.
- Click here to access
- About Us
- Services
- Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
- Circulation Service
- Book Bank Scheme
- Inter Library Loan Service
- Service for Divyagjans
- Current Awareness Service
- Citation Analysis
- Bibliographical Service
- Reference Service
- Plagiarism Checking Service
- Grammarly
- Open Sources
- Remote Login
- Institutional Repository
- Library Orientation and Training
- RFID service
- Reprography Service
- Newspaper Clipping Service
- e-Alerts
- National Digital Library of India
- Periodicals
- e-Resources
- Research Support
- Open Access
- Subject Gateway
- Institutional Repository