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  • Web-Based OPAC has been created for more than 2.0 lakhs documents available in the library.
  • The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is an online catalogue of the information resources available in the Library.
  • The Library on-line catalogue is a database of titles of all the books, journals, back volumes, theses and non-book materials available in the Library.
  • OPAC allows the users to browse the entire library collection and provides the search facilities by Author, Title, Subject, Keyword etc. and helps to know the availability of library documents and to save the time of the user.
  • The Library catalogues can be searched and accessed from various departments through the intranet facility and internet facility also.
  • At the entrance point in the ground floor of the library and in all the sections of the library computer systems are provided to access OPAC
  • Library Catalogue is accessible intranet at
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