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In the Current Awareness Service (CAS) service, the reader is contacted with the latest information. This service is important for the reader who wants to know the latest development only in his specific subject.

According to Ranganathan - "CAS tries to provide the reader with the latest information about his specific subject and related topics in an expeditious manner."

Steps in Current Awareness Service:
  • Review or scan documents (some time records of documents) immediately upon receipt.
  • Select information and record individual documents pertinent to the subject/department. This is done by comparing the documents/information with the needs of users being served.
  • Send notification to the users about items or information through email or Whatsapp group.
Types of CAS services offered :
  • Contents of Journal Service: The library scans the current issues of periodicals received immediately after its receipt and circulates the contents to the departments. In case of a request for full text, they can get a scanned copy of the article/visit library for detailed study.
  • Current Awareness List: The new arrival books are classified according to the subject and every week this list is provided on the Library website. This list helps timely identification of resources.
  • Newspaper Clipping Service: The newspaper is the centre and source of the latest information and knowledge. Different types of news are published in a newspaper. Clippings of this information are pasted on a paper and categorised subject wise. Its also uploaded to the Institution repository collection. This acts as an important service of CAS.
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