- Access to the e-resources subscribed by the library is available to all faculty and students through remote access.
- Remote Access Username and Password will be provided by the Library
- This access is provided free of charge to the faculty members and students.
- Usage of the resources will be strictly monitored. Any misuse will result in your access being revoked.
- For remote Login https://idp.avinuty.ac.in/
- For further assistance and help in remote access contact library staff or email to library@avinuty.ac.in
- About Us
- Services
- Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
- Circulation Service
- Book Bank Scheme
- Inter Library Loan Service
- Service for Divyagjans
- Current Awareness Service
- Citation Analysis
- Bibliographical Service
- Reference Service
- Plagiarism Checking Service
- Grammarly
- Open Sources
- Remote Login
- Institutional Repository
- Library Orientation and Training
- RFID service
- Reprography Service
- Newspaper Clipping Service
- e-Alerts
- National Digital Library of India
- Periodicals
- e-Resources
- Research Support
- Open Access
- Subject Gateway
- Institutional Repository