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Reference management software, citation management software or personal bibliographic management software is software for scholars and authors to use for recording and utilising bibliographic citations.
The freely available packages, Mendeley and Zotero.

Mendeley is a free citation management tool that can help you
  • Organize your personal library of references and downloaded PD Fs.
  • Read and annotate PDF documents.
  • Access your papers from anywhere online.
  • Insert citations into your document and easily generate a bibliography.
  • Share libraries and annotations with other researchers.
  • Discover potential collaborators and related publications.
Zotero is a free, open-source research tool that helps you collect, organize, and analyze research and share it in a variety of ways.
  • The ability to store author, title, and publication fields and to export that information as formatted references
  • Ability to organize, tag, and search in advanced ways.
  • Interacts seamlessly with online resources: when it senses you are viewing a book, article, or other object on the web, it can automatically extract and save complete bibliographic references.
  • Transmits information to and from other web services and applications, and it runs both as a web service and offline on your personal devices.

EndNote is a commercial reference management software package, used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles. It is produced by Clarivate Analytics (previously Thomson Reuters).

  • Search hundreds of online resources for references and PDFs
  • Find full text for references in one click
  • Build your bibliography using the latest reference types
  • Read, review, annotate and search PDFs
  • Ensure bibliographic accuracy with refreshed journal and referencing styles
  • Keep your data accurate with automatic reference and link updating
  • Share a library or just a portion with new group collaboration options
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